2637 documents
2624/2637 results        
TitreYou Are There
Film / TéléfilmTélévision Série
Générique technique
Pays de productionEtats-Unis
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Résumé et commentaire critique
Résumé et commentaire critique

Série télévisée de docu-fictions historiques, diffusée de 1953 à 1957. Parmi les quelques 150 épisodes de 30', 24 concernent le XVIIIe siècle:
[saison x, épisode y]
1, 3: The Boston Tea Party (December 12, 1773)
1, 13: The Signing of the Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776)
1, 21: The Treason of Benedict Arnold
2, 1: The Fate of Nathan Hale (September 22, 1776)
2, 5: The Birth of the National Anthem
2, 18: The Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown
2, 21: The Resolve of Patrick Henry (March 23, 1775)
2, 23: The Last Moments of Marie Antoinette
2, 24: The Ordeal of Tom Paine
2, 25: The Hanging of Captain Kidd (May 23, 1701)
2, 29: Burgoyne's Surrender at Saratoga (October 17, 1777)
2, 30: The Conspiracy of Catherine the Great (1762)
2, 32: Paul Revere's Ride (April 18. 1775)
2, 43: The Vote That Made Jefferson President
3, 18: The Passage of the Bill of Rights
3, 24: The Signing of the Declaration of Independance
3, 27: Washington's Farewell to His Officers (December 4, 1783)
3, 43: Boston Tea Party (Restaged) (December 16, 1773)
4, 3: The Boston Massacre (March 5, 1770)
4, 11: Eli Whitney Invents the Cotton Gin (May 27, 1793)
4, 15: Washington Crosses the Delaware (December 25, 1776)
4, 16: Benedict Arnold's Plot Against West Point (September 23, 1780)
4, 19: Dr. Pinel Unchains the Insane (May 24, 1793)
4, 27: Benjamin Franklin's Kite Experiment (June 15, 1752)
5, 5: Mr. Christian Seizes the Bounty (April 28, 1789)

2624/2637 results        


Éditeurs : Delphine Gleizes et Denis Reynaud [UMR IHRIM]

Site créé par Gérald Foliot avec webActors

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