2638 documents
39/2638 results        
TitreA Woman's Triumph
Film / TéléfilmFiction cinéma
Générique technique

d'après le roman de Walter Scott

CouleurNoir et Blanc
Bande-son / Languemuet
Société de production

Famous Players Film Co.

Pays de productionEtats-Unis
Générique artistique
Résumé et commentaire critique
Résumé et commentaire critique

"The story of a woman who would not tell a lie even to save her sister's life".
"Noble Jeanie and flighty Effie are the daughters of stern Scotsman David Deans. Effie loves Georgie Robertson, a rich minister's profligate son who has joined a gang of smugglers. They meet secretly and plan to marry, but Georgie is arrested on his way to their wedding. Effie, pregnant, runs away to Edinburgh where she stays with Georgie's friends Dame Murdockson and her daughter Madge Wildfire, who is crazed with grief over her dead child. When Effie's baby is born, Madge steals the child and leaves it on a roadside where it is taken away by strangers. Effie then returns home, but Dame Murdockson accuses her of killing her baby, and she is sent to prison. Later, Georgie escapes from jail and asks minister Reuben Butler to deliver a note to Jeanie, whom Butler loves. Georgie wants Jeanie to lie for Effie and thus effect her release, but she will not, and Effie is condemned to death. Jeanie then walks barefoot to London to ask the Queen for a pardon which she grants in reward for Jeanie's nobility." (Turner Classic Movies)

39/2638 results        


Éditeurs : Delphine Gleizes et Denis Reynaud [UMR IHRIM]

Site créé par Gérald Foliot avec webActors

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