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TitreThe Galley Slave - Les Misérables de James S. Blackton, Variety, 11 septembre 1909 .
Datesamedi 11 septembre 1909

« Les Misérables - The Galley Slave » (Vitagraph)

The story of Jean Valjean has been taken from Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables"; his theft of a loaf of bread to feed his starving family, his arrest and sentence for five years and his fifteen aditional years for trying four times to escape ; his return to old scenes after nineteen years to be unrecognized and disdained ; his weary wanderings and final benefactor and the ultimate robbery ; the chase and capture and the return of the culprit to the house of the priest who saves him from being again arrested. An interesting subject, well acted and photographically, for the most part, excellent. Walt.

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MISBLACKTON01.doc (20 ko)

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Éditeurs : Delphine Gleizes et Denis Reynaud [UMR IHRIM]

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