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TitreSea Devils de Raoul Walsh, The New York Times, 31 juillet 1953.
Datevendredi 31 juillet 1953
Auteur(s)Bosley Crowther
SourceThe New York Times

« Sea Devils »

For all its fancy costuming, its color photography and its pretense of bold and desperate doings in the wars between the English and the French, the new Coronado film, "Sea Devils", which came to the Globe yesterday, is a flat and pedestrian walk-through of a lot of adventure-film clichés. In this peregrination, Rock Hudson and Yvonne De Carlo stroll the most. Some others who move about tamely are Michael Goodlife, Denis O'Dea and Maxwell Reed.

An especially perceptive viewer might detect in this routine tale of Channel Island smugglers and a beautiful British woman spy some vague and remote resemblance to Victor Hugo's "Toilers of the Sea", considerably altered and denatured in the script by Borden Chase. But the average attendant is most likely to see it as a standard romance in which the square-jawed, barechested Mr. Hudson and the low-bodiced Miss De Carlo get into and out of scrapes.

In these tedious paces they are directed by Raoul Walsh, an old hand at this sort of movie posturing. But his hand has slipped in this case. Except for some pretty outdoor scenery, actually filmed on the coast of France, "Sea Devils" is completely undistinguished. It could as well have been filmed in a studio tank. Bosley Crowther

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