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TitreThe Darling of Paris de James Gordon Edwards, Variety, 26 janvier 1917.
Datevendredi 26 janvier 1917

« The Darling of Paris »

This is the most pretentious scenic productions ever released by William Fox as a mere program photoplay, and as such is entitled to the utmost commendation. It was directed by J. Gordon Edwards, story by Adrian Johnson, founded on Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Its main weakness is the casting of Theda Bara in the role of an innocent gypsy girl, with no opportunity to wear modern alluring costume creations or give her any opportunity to "vamp". The first portion of the photoplay is merely a series of "high spots" from the famous novel, but culminates in the trial of Esmeralda for murder, her being tortured until she confesses to a crime she didn't commit, her rescue by the gypsies, etc. These latter are a collection of "mob" scenes stirring enough and sufficiently realistic to form an important part of a special feature. Jolo. 

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Éditeurs : Delphine Gleizes et Denis Reynaud [UMR IHRIM]

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