21 documents
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Titre usuel Auteur(s) Date Nb adaptations 
Tartarin de TarasconAlphonse Daudet3
The Beggar's Opera
John Gay2
The Castle of OtrantoHorace Walpole17641
The Clandestine MarriageDavid Garrick, George Colman17661
The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll FlandersDaniel De Foe17224
The ItalianAnn Radcliffe17971
The Master of BallantraeRobert Louis Stevenson18892
The MonkMatthew Lewis17954
The Vicar of WakefieldOliver Goldsmith17667
ThéodoraVictorien Sardou1
Thérèse RaquinÉmile Zola10
ToineGuy de Maupassant18852
Tom JonesHenry Fielding17495
TorquemadaVictor Hugo1
TravailÉmile Zola1
Treasure IslandRobert Louis Stevenson18839
Trente et QuaranteEdmond About18591
Tristram ShandyLaurence Sterne1
Trois messes bassesAlphonse Daudet1
TurandotCarlo Gozzi17622
TurcaretAlain René Lesage17081
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